Saturday, May 25, 2019

A Psychiatric Disorder with a Biologic Basis: OCD

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a psychiatric disorder with a biologic basis. It implys intrusive thoughts (obsessions) and repetitive rituals (compulsions). The obsessions produce anxiety bit the compulsions reduce anxiety. Anxiety is defined as a hyperalert state causing excessive autonomic arousal and diminished coping (1). The obsessions are repetitive thoughts the someone cannot keep from having that can include ideas, urges to do something, or images. The compulsions can include excessive hand washing triggered by on obsessive concern somewhat germs. Or, the person may feel constantly unsafe and have to repeatedly check their safety, such as repeatedly making sure that the doors are locked or that the stove has been turned off.The cause of OCD is a neurochemical imbalance in the brain, so medication can be an important part of treatment. It is the fourth most park psychiatric problem in America, occurring as frequently as schizophrenia. 5 million people in the Unite d States have OCD, just about as divided between males and females. Although OCD is sometimes treated lightly, it is a serious disorder.Up to 92% of people with it say it has interfered with important relationships, and nearly 60% report that it reduced either schoolwork or with their jobs. Daily patterns are affected by the repetitive nature of compulsions or because the person tries to avoid situations that trigger their OCD responses. Three diametrical neurotransmitters have been implicated in OCD nor epinephrine, serotonin, and dopamine. Because neurotransmitters are involved, medication can often help in the management of OCD.Diagnosis is based on the privates symptoms and can include interview, observation, the use of questionnaires, and reports from family members regarding the persons difficulties.In addition to medication, education and brief counseling can help the individual understand his or her disorder. Cognitive therapy can help the individual use logic and rationa l thinking to combat the effects of OCD.

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